Friday, September 25, 2009

favorite teacher

My favorite teacher was Mrs. Zucker because it was Spanish and we learned a lot of Spanish. She was one of my teachers at Holmes in 8th grade. We did a lot of projects in Spanish. In Spanish we watched a lot of movies with Spanish subtitles. We also did this project that we cooked a Spanish food and then brought it in for the class. So we got to try everyone’s Spanish food. It was yummy. Another one of my favorite projects was a book of stuff we like. I liked it because we got to share in class what stuff I like. Another thing I like about that project is that we get to color it and make it look nice.
I liked this class because I had a lot of friends. So when we did group work I would be able to work with I lot of my friends. But we also had to do a lot of work on our own. So we had to listen and study a lot. One of my projects we did in Spanish was a skit in Spanish. What I liked about it was we got to work with a group, so I was with my friends. For a week we got to work on our skits so I got to spend time with my friends in school. We played a lot of Spanish games in that class too. One of them was a matching game we had to match the Spanish word to the English word. Another game was making flash card then studying them. Then you get a partner to quiz you before a test or quiz. Flash cards helped me study for a test or quiz because I am reading them and my mom can quiz me. Spanish was my favorite class.

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